Living a fulfilled life is all about balance – knowing when to take a brake from all day-to-day activities and recharging for all challenges ahead. Sounds easy, but it often isn’t.

“The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between them,” is a famous quote by Mozart, but it can also be a recipe for life. Taking breaks is important, but somehow it often gets suppressed by other activities. In a hectic environment at work, at home and basically everywhere, it can be a real challenge to take time for yourself, relax and recap the day behind you. Only in this way can we gain a better overview of our lives and evaluate it properly, taking into account all our desires, dreams and plans for the future. Although these moments of reflection should be spent in tranquility, it does not mean that we have to spend them in complete contemplation.

Each of us certainly has an activity that we enjoy doing, that relaxes and fulfills us. If for some reason you haven’t found that activity for yourself, here’s a suggestion – start putting together a puzzle. It’s simple, yet relaxing and rewarding to work on a piece of art and watch it come to life. In all those moments when you feel you need to recharge or energize for whatever the day holds, put on your favorite gloomy playlist and start making art piece by piece.